Blog post 8

 Topic-Service projects  


Some of the service projects that remember most as a scout are my other fellow scouts conducting projects centered around building a walkway at the local nature preserve, demolishing a rusty playground at a home for kids with special needs, repairing a set of steps at the local nature preserveA service project will usually consist of a scout having selected a site of location that is in need of repair of demolishing and the place that the scout selects must be a non-for-profit originationSome of the skills that I took away from some of the service projects are service to other’s and to not expect to receive a gift or something in turn expect the gratitude of knowing that you a good deed. Some of the service projects that I have been to have taken a few hours to one to two days at most. The service project for demolishing the rusty and dangerous playground required that my troop remove all the typical things you would find in a normal style playground such as monkey barsswing settreehouse,  tire swing. We removed these item's at the request of the building staff due to the fact that some of these kids were unstable and prone to violent and random outburst’s and the building staff feared that these kids could use the items from the playground as a mean’s of harming  a fellow resident if the building or a staff member of the building.  One of the more memorable service projects was when my troop repaired a dilapidated walkway at our local nature preserve. The project consisted of my troop going to the nature preserve and with our induvial tool boxes that we brought, we helped remove the remaining walkway steps of the old walkway which were in horrendous condition to say the least and we worked on installing a new, fresh walkway for the local nature preserve. I would estimate the total number of scout’s at this particular project to be twenty scouts or moreOne of the many reasons this project in particular was memorable for me was my family and I often go to the preserve to birdwatch or head to the cornstalks section of the preserve If I were to do another service project, the service project would be centered around constructing a canoe shed at my colleges lake so that students have more recreational opportunities 


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