Blog post number 10


  • couting experience's since I have been in college  



One of the scouting expierces that I have had the opportunity to fulfill was working as a summer camp instructor for 7 and a half weeks during this previous summer This expiernce proved to be invaluable to me in so many different ways. The first way this job proved to be invaluable to me was the fact that I would be working directly with the participants of the camps rifle and shotgun program and not only would I help them with their homework in the morning, In the afternoon, Me and the participants would work on learning how to clean the guns and I would demonstrate to them first then I would have them come to the cleaning station and clean a gun by themselves or if need be in a pair and they would clean a rifle that had been used in the morning for the start of the shooting requirements. The next key takeaway of the summer camp instructor was that I would have to show the participants of this particular program what sound a shotgun would make because the shotgun range was a five minute walk up the road from where the rifle range was located, so every day I would go to the gun locker and get out both the shotgun and repeater rifle and they wouldn't have any ammunition in them because I was instructed to show the participants on what the guns would sound like when they were in the process of being chambered and loaded and after I showed the participants on what the loading process would look like for the guns, I would then practice and show the scouts what the shotgun would sound like when there was no ammunition in the chamber of the pump-action shotgun.  The third key take away from working at the summer was the idea that there would be days where me and my co instructor would not get along for the morning, but by the afternoon, we would have settled our quarrels. My fourth notable takeaway from this summer camp instructor position would be, there will be some or a lot of days where you and your friend, co worker, or anyone else may not get along quite well for a period of time such as a day or half a day, but eventually you should consider making amends to that person. 


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