Why did I become involved in scouting

                                     I joined Scouts, BSA when I was 8 years old. I don't remember too much about my time as a Cub Scout, but there are things that stick out in my memory. I remember troop meetings once a week in the basement of the Church. They were not a quiet affair. Scouts, for the most part, is Youth Led. The adult leaders are only there to call 911 in case of emergencies (just kidding). For some reason when teens are trying to organize and teach and lead younger youth it is never done without a fair bit of raised voices. Speaking of raised voices, the Pinewood Car Derby event was like an MMA match, and the crowd loved every single minute of it and I don't know how we didn't go deaf. I had 3 years of derbies and I even won a trophy once and it was for the best car because I made it completely by myself. I don't know if you know this but some parents get a little too involved with making these derby cars. I remember some parents had whole workshops in their basements dedicated to making the sleekest design of a car imaginable.  They accomplished this by using various tools that were used to sand and carve. This particular year, I think I was 9 years old) I decided I wanted my pinewood car to resemble an old-fashioned fire truck. This was easy for me because a block of pinewood looks very much like a blocky firetruck with 4 wheels on it.  The day of the competition was hectic, to say the least.  The Scouts would arrive at the event with their parents and would help with the setup of the event, and the parents would set up the food. I don't know what it was about this truck. Maybe it was the way the weight was distributed on it, or who knows what actually, but it flew down the racetrack and I won! That was a great evening.


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